6th Social Studies

6th Social Studies

2013 - 2014

Course Syllabus


Teacher: Dorene Paisley                                                    Class Time 10:17 – 11;10

Office: 778-5561                                                              [email protected]

Plan Time: 12:45 – 1:40

 Class Description: World History

            Students will study the continents of the world. Students will also study early civilizations, different governments, and geography. Students will also share a current event each week.                 

Homework expectation:  Schoolwork not completed in class will become homework and will be the student’s responsibility to complete on time. Students with incomplete work will have their name turned into the office for after school study time (ELT). A “ Notice of Late Work” paper will be sent home with student to have a parent sign and return to Mrs. Paisley, hopefully this will help keep parents informed of their child’s work and progress.

Textbook Information: Discovering Our Past   A History of the World   

            These books are new please  take care of them.

 Projects: There will be outside of class time projects as well as in class projects.  Research projects, poster displays, South America Indian artifacts, A to Z  books, and locating information about different countries are examples of some of the projects that the class will be doing. These projects will be graded.   Students will be required to bring current events to share with the class each week.

Goals:  Students will walk away with an understanding of the different parts of the world and how each different country has changed through development and time.

 Student Expectations: Be respectful to classmates, teacher and building

                                    Complete homework on time.

                                    Take notes during class.

                                    Come to class ready to learn, (bring all appropriate materials)

            Showing disrespect to the teacher, students, or building will result in consequences along with a phone call home.

 Materials:  Books: Discovering Our Past

                  Notebook, pencil and pen, homework, binder/folder, planner

Students are required to bring current events to class. Students can listen to the news or read the newspaper for information.  Students can also check the internet for news to share.

 Grading/ Evaluation:  What is graded?  Homework is graded and all projects are graded.

Students do have the option to redo all homework assignments after school with the teacher or at home.

The final grade for a redo page will be the average of the redo paper and the original grade.  The student will be given the better grade, which hopefully will encourage the students to redo missed questions.  By redoing with the teacher hopefully the student will learn and remember; which is the objective of the school.  Test will be graded. Test may not be retaken with out first coming in and studying with Mrs. Paisley.   This can be done in the mornings before school, at recess, or after school.  Current Events are worth points. Students will get a participation grade, homework grade and a test grade.  Current events will be part of their participation grade; remember these are easy points.

The Homework policy is as follows:

  1. Students assignments are due when they come to each class, or when a teacher sets the assignment as due. (It may be at the beginning of class or at the end of class)
  2. If the student fails to turn in any work on the day assigned, a zero will be assigned in the grade book and it will be noted as late.
  3. Student will be required to come to extra learning time after school.  Extra learning time is one of two levels.  1.  Student will stay until 3:50 (level 1)  2.  Student will stay until the assignment is complete. (level 2)  The teacher has the authority and discretion to determine if it is a level 1 or level 2 requirement. Students will contact their parents if they need to stay for ELT.
  4. The late assignment can receive up to a 70% if the assignment is completed that day if it is completed during ELT. The student can earn up to 100% on the assignment if they are willing to present a written and oral  reflection to the teacher as to why the assignment was late and what they will do to prevent it from happening again.
  5. Failure to attend ELT will result in the zero staying in the grading system.
  6. Failure to attend ELT 2 times in each quarter will (does not have to be consecutive times)  will result in ISS (in school suspension) and student will be required to complete all assignments given to them by the teachers before they may leave ISS.  The Principal will contact parents if a student receives ISS.  If the student gets all work done in one day or less, they can return to regular classes when they have all work completed with a 77% or better.  If they don’t they will stay in ISS until all work is done and at a 77% on the assignments given to them.  The teachers will check on student progress and report to the Principal the status of the student’s work.

 Grading Scale:

A   95-100                   B  87-90                      C  79-82                      D  72-74

A-  93-94                     B- 85-86                      C- 77-78                      D- 70-71

B+ 91-92                     C+ 83- 84                    D+ 75-76                     F     69 0r below


 Please call me or email me if you have a question.