11.26.2012 Educational Insights

11.26.2012 Educational Insights
Posted on 11/26/2012
Bake Sale


          Last week, the elementary students held their annual fall bake sale. As always, the support was overwhelming. Profits for this community service event were $1077.61! WOWZA, what a statement of strong support to our children.

            Special thanks go out to AmberLevick and Tiffany Zorn, who volunteered to mark and sell the items for ourstudents! Thanks to all parents, teachers, students, staff, and family membersfor making the delicious treats and ornaments to sell! We so appreciate yourtime and generosity in supporting our students’ efforts to give to others.

            This week, students will have theopportunity to vote on where to donate the profits. Several ideas are: the Oshkoshpool project, the local libraries, Storm Sandy victims, and Angel Tree gifts.

The junior high students havereceived their items to deliver from their annual fall fundraiser. With yourhelp, they raised $2176.40. (averaging $155.77 per student) in their recentcampaign! Again, another testimony of unfailing community support for ourschools!

            The profits from the junior highfundraiser are used for extra field trips, the Homecoming T-shirts, and variousthings the students need to enhance their curriculum. If you placed an orderand have not yet received it, you may notify the junior high at 778-5561 andlet them know you are awaiting its delivery.

            Our FFA students continue to raisemoney for their competitions with their fruit and food sales. Total profits arenot determined, yet, but the outlook is positive!

            Our schools simply would not be assuccessful and fortunate without the ongoing support of our loyal community andparents. Please know how much we all appreciate your commitment to educationalexcellence in Garden County!

We know you work hard for your moneyand are so grateful you choose to give to our various fundraising projects. Ourchildren are lucky to live in this community! THANK YOU, ALL!

-Dr. Paula Sissel,


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