009.03M Retention and Destruction of Information and Records 
  • 009.03M1 The school district or approved cooperative shall retain special education records for five (5) years after the completion of the activities for which special education funds were used. 
  • 009.03M2 The school district or approved cooperative shall inform parents when personally identifiable information collected, maintained, or used is no longer needed to provide educational services to the child. 
  • 009.03M3 The information which is no longer necessary to provide educational services to the child, must be destroyed at the request of the parents. However, a permanent record of a student's name, address, and phone number, his or her grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed may be maintained without time limitation. 

Jr & Sr High School 
Feb 5 - Feb 15     JH in Red

2/5 9:00 FFA @Gordon
2/5 2:00 JH BB @Potter
2/6 9:00 Wrestling MAC B @Bport
2/6 5:00 BB @Arthur
2/7 5:00 BB @Home
2/7-8   4:00 Wrestling Girl's Sub-Dist
2/8 7:30 Speech @Sutherland
2/10 2:00 JH BB @Home
2/11 4:00 BB @Home
2/12 FCCLA Star Comp @Chadron
2/13 9:00 JH MAC Tourn. @Home
2/13 5:00 BB Girls only @Home
2/14 5:00 BB @Hay Springs
2/14 4:00 Wrestling Boys Sub-Dist
   -15                                   @Sutherland
2/15 9:00 JH MAC Tourn. @Home



* * * * * * * * * *
Athletic Events Added to the Schedule


Athletic Events Dropped from the Schedule

January 24 - Girls Wrestling @Hemingford


Printed Schedule Changes

Feb 14   5:00   BB @Hay Springs

Welcome to Garden County Schools

Inspire, Responsibility, Integrity

Garden County Elementary

800 West 2nd

Oshkosh, NE 69154


Fax 308-772-4059

Garden County Jr. Sr. High

200 West 4th Street

Oshkosh, NE 69154


Fax 308-772-3039

* * * * * * * *

is selling candy goodie bags with a sweet message card for $5. The goodie bags have a heart sucker, starbursts, and heart chocolates in them.  FCCLA will deliver the Valentine on Valentine's Day to any location in Oshkosh! If interested click On the link below and fill out the Google form. Please bring payment to Mrs. Houser or GCHS by February 13th. Fill out one form for each Valentine bag ordered.

***Including a World's Finest Chocolate Bar is an extra option for an additional $1.
FCCLA Valentine link
* * * * * *

Garden County Schools is looking for a bilingual teacher or paraeducator.  This person needs to have great communication skills in both English and Spanish.

They should enjoy working with children and be willing to be flexible with assignments.  If you are interested in this position, please contact Superintendent Jess Underwood at Garden County Schools at  772-3242. (GCS are a EOE, VPE, and drug free workplace)

10:00am LATE START
Wednesday Feb. 12
No morning Pre-School
No Breakfast Served
Buses will leave the pick up sites at 9:25

-------------------- There IS school on Feb 14th.
Added to the School Calendar: February 13, 2025 NO School Teacher In-Service
We will be hosting the JH MAC BB Tournament on that day.
picture -------------------------


Garden County Eagle Flags

are still available at these locations:
GC Jr/Sr High School
GC Elementary School
Nebraska State Bank
